Sunday, February 22, 2009

We Shall: A Message from the President of Caramore to Potential Clients

• We shall not protect your life as it is; we shall promote what it could be. At Caramore, you should expect to change and dare to dream, because—“It’s never too late to become the person you might have been.”

• We shall be a beacon, not a butler.

• We shall offer patience, not protection.

• We shall offer hope, not a handout.

• We shall offer opportunity, not a guarantee.

• We shall model and promote success and health.

• We shall care about you, but not for you.

• We shall offer structure, not a shield.

• We shall not passively observe you, but will actively engage you. At Caramore, you shall be known and noticed.

• We shall together realize and promote that you have worth, value, capabilities, potential, rights, and responsibilities.

• Welcome to opportunity, welcome to adventure, welcome to hope.

David Chapman, President of Caramore.