Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Friend Leaves Us

A Friend Leaves Us...

Dianne Swearingten, a true friend of the Caramore family, passed away on December 12, 2010. Dianne was responsible for providing many Caramore participants with meaningful employment opportunities through McLaurin Parking at UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill.

But it wasn't just the opportunities for work that we are indebted to Dianne for ... it was for her insight, her support, and her tireless belief that people with disabilities could work effectively and be successful in the community.

Dianne championed many of our clients over the years, sticking with them when necessary, and helping them to realize their potential.

We are saddened by her leaving us, but we cherish the memories of of our relationship.

Bless you always Dianne.

Barry Shanley
Program Director ... and grateful friend

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